
维护Tips for Heating & Cooling Systems

发布者Sam Pelonis|Jun 29, 2015 7:00:00 AM |0 Comments

When customers choose to undertake custom heating or cooling projects, they may not always make as many considerations as industry professionals.


There are also many questions to consider when working on the systems once they are set in place; the slightest issue can increase the chances of component degradation or eventual failure. Depending on whether you are working on either a heating or cooling system, there are different questions that are vital to keep in mind.


Q: Is maintenance the same for all kinds of heating systems?




问:我的加热系统正在创造异常高的公用事业费用 - 我如何解决这个问题?

A: Higher energy costs can be indicative of poor energy efficiency. The secondary limiting devices that some heating systems depend on can malfunction, leading to an influx of heat energy—which in turn leads to higher energy costs.



答:PTC加热器具有比传统的电阻加热器更长的使用寿命。PTC加热限制流过系统的能量,使其不太容易过热或短路。与任何机器一样,PTC加热器可以发生故障 - 如果您注意到任何问题,请检查任何故障电路的加热器。


Q: Is maintenance the same for fans and blowers?

A: Maintenance will be slightly different for fans and blowers since each has unique airflow and pressure characteristics, but generally you should watch for signs of fatigue on belts, bearings, sheaves, and other components. DC fans, DC blowers, micro fans and cross flow fans will each have some differences when it comes to maintenace.





答:风扇电机的状况对系统的适当操作至关重要。您可以使用诸如振动分析的方法 - 电机速度和刀片通过频率 - 以先发制人地检测电机绕组内的问题。您还可以测量某些电压下的绝缘电阻以测试电机绕组。

More Questions? Contact Us Today

If you have additional questions about diverse, custom heating and cooling systems, Pelonis Technologies has severalonline resourcesthat can provide you with a better understanding of options available to you.

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If you need further assistance pertaining to heating and cooling, don’t hesitate to联系我们.


Specifications for Heating and Cooling System | Pelonis Tech

发布者Sam Pelonis| 2014年12月22日,7:00:00 |0 Comments

Problem-free operation of heating and cooling systems begins well before consumers even switch on their machines.




Regarding sizing, be sure to consider these factors: cubic footage to be heated and cooled, insulation and rate of air infiltration, and industry standard protocols for product sizing. These design points will help heating and cooling systems avoid serious issues in the future, including short cycling and excessive equipment wear.

2. With all the different temperature control devices on the market, which is the best for the application?

Delivering optimum heating and cooling is one of the expected outcomes when speccing a new system. Thermal controls are an important part of maintaining the correct temperature; there are various thermal control products available on the market, enabling you to maintain a comfortable environment regardless of building size.



Today’s heating and cooling systems offer many benefits that aren’t available in older systems. However, most of the electronics in modern systems can create issues not found in electromechanical systems, such as a low voltage specification; if the specification isn’t met, motor life will shorten and cause the electronic component to malfunction.

When speccing a system that will use backup power, it’s important to verify that all incoming power sources meet the requirements of the heating/cooling system. Frequently, this means the power supply meets a combined variation in voltage and frequency of 10 percent, provided the frequency variation doesn’t exceed five percent of the rated frequency.


Considering these questions will help engineers design heating and cooling systems that are ready to perform optimally when needed. For more information on heating and cooling systems, visit our onlineresource library.

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Preventative Maintenance Signs | Pelonis Technologies, Inc.

发布者Sam Pelonis|2014年9月29日3:48:00 PM |0 Comments


To comply with industry standards, heating and188d金宝搏的网址188体育在线官方冷却系统must undergo annual preventative maintenance; it is good practice to prepare for upcoming seasons, as different temperatures and moisture levels can adversely affect different systems.

Since operating and energy costs can accumulate as time progresses, it’s in the best interest of you and your customers to keep heating and cooling systems running as efficiently as possible. You should be conducting routine inspection to ensure all components are functioning correctly.


PH2207-L4当执行preventative maintenance, there are several common signs that you should always be on the lookout for.

  • Listen for any abnormal noises.If you hear sounds emanating from the system that seem out of the ordinary, that could mean fan blades or sheet metal panels are loose, and thus vibrating. Continuing to listen will helpidentify the noise’s origin; once you find it, thoroughly and carefully inspect the blades and motor.检查风扇和电机是否轻松旋转 - 如果它们不是,则需要立即替换组件。
  • Unusual odors could be a problem.部分检查过程涉及使用您的嗅觉。如果系统周围的空气似乎是霉味或发霉的,则有一些可能的解释:常设水可以在排水盘中建立;排水线可以堵塞或不正确地安装;可能会有导管泄漏;或碎片可以在空气管道内或附近。您可以使用电子泄漏探测器测试任何可疑区域。系统中的任何一种燃烧的气味都可以由松动的电气连接和过热零件引起。这是一个潜在的火灾危险,所以如果你闻到燃烧,你需要迅速行事。
  • 缺乏气流。Lack or airflow may indicate a problem. You’ll need to make sure fans are rotating smoothly; also, check for any type debris that could be obstructing the system. When heating and cooling systems have substantially low airflow, it can dramatically reduce the life cycle of compressors—in fact, this is a major cause of compressor failure.
  • Look for discolorations.One of the more obvious signs of wear in your system is any discoloration; this can signal corrosion on various parts and equipment. If you see any abnormally colored water building up, rust might be inside your system. These issues can also indicate a moisture imbalance within the system.

Always remain vigilant

When you are open to these common signs of wear, you can prevent several issues from afflicting industrial heating and cooling systems. Being attentive and using these guidelines will enable you to lower maintenance costs and prolong the service life of your parts and equipment.
