
Temperature Coefficient Heater Applications | Pelonis Tech

发表Sam Pelonis|May 30, 2017 11:10:38 AM |3 Comments

提供简单的故障排除解决方案,低维护和高效的传热,正温系数(PTC)加热器— specialized resistors that vary resistance in accordance with their temperature — offer versatile, easy-to-use solutions for a range of industries.

Thermistor Technology

PTC heating for different industries随着温度变化的电阻的电阻也称为热敏电阻。

当温度升高时,热​​敏电阻会增加电阻,从而导致Positive Temperature Coefficient

An NTC thermistor, meanwhile, decreases its resistance when temperature increases, resulting in aNegative Temperature Coefficient


PTC heaters can quickly create enormous heat transfers in small spaces; in fact, these heaters can produce an instantaneous flow of heat that is 50% hotter than the flow created by more conventional oil or ceramic chip heaters.

Industries and Applications


Food and Beverage

Versatile and compact, PTC heaters are especially useful in the food and beverage industry. Used for heating and temperature control in various appliances, including coffee hot plates, food warmers, and temperature-controlled containers, PTC heaters allow for consistency andreliability in a range of applications



Avoid issues encountered while using coil or conventional heaters including cracking or bursting.



Established automotive heating methods, which utilize the internal combustion engine’s cooling system, can take significant time to heat an automobile’s interior. PTC auxiliary heaters effectively remedy this problem and are frequently used by leading automotive manufacturers worldwide.


As a leading manufacturer of specialty heating solutions, axialACbrushless DC fans以及电动机以及定制鼓风机解决方案,Pelonis团队很荣幸能提供顶级PTC产品。金宝搏官网mg这些多功能设备安全,高效且持久,有助于节省我们的客户时间和金钱。

The Pelonis team is committed to innovation in motion,heating, 和188d金宝搏的网址188体育在线官方冷却技术。要了解有关我们独特产品,卓越质量和竞争价格的更多信息,请下载Pelonis目录或金宝搏官网mg伸手to the team today.


Custom DC Fans for the Medical Industry

发表Sam Pelonis|2015年7月20日下午4:29:00 |0 Comments

In the medical industry, heart monitors are commonly used in patient care. These precision devices are recognized for the notable benefits they provide.

The use of heart monitors enables healthcare practitioners to recognize heart irregularities a patient may have. With this constant monitoring, practitioners can quickly attend to any potentially life-threatening issues.

dc-fanPreventative medical care has become progressively more demanding, and as such, devices like heart monitors must provide higher levels of performance. Unfortunately, improving the performance of a medical device does not necessarily improve its reliability.

在Pe金宝搏官网mglon188d金宝搏的网址is Technologies,我们已经制造了供暖和冷却定制解决方案多年了,这些解决方案经常用于为医疗应188体育在线官方用提供增强的可靠性。下面的案例研究记录了我们制造的DC无刷风扇,用于医疗行业。


一家医疗公司来到pelonis,需要专业的,金宝搏官网mghigh-efficiency DC fan。这个风扇是用于冷却系统混合涂料nentry of a heart monitor machine. In addition to providing adequate cooling, the fan needed a variable air flow speed and custom wire connections and labeling.


Our engineering team designed an 80x80x15mm DC fan capable of operating at 48 volts. Along with the client’s distinct specifications, we utilized 2D CAD drawings to conceptualize the product.



12周的短期周转,Pelonis deliv金宝搏官网mgered the new fan directly to the client’s door. Our DC fan offered an exceptional air efficiency of 40.7 cubic feet per minute (CFM) and a water pressure of 0.020 inches. The DC brushless fan was also fitted with Pulse Width Modulation to control the fan’s speed manually.

热管理是医疗设备用户的关键问题。金宝搏官网mgPelonis的丰富工业经验不仅可以开会,而且超出了这家医疗公司的期望。有关可用于您的行业或应用程序的冷却风扇的更多信息,请下载我们的188d金宝搏的网址188体育在线官方金宝搏188是什么公司电子书,How to Select a Cooling Fan

Download How to Select a Cooling Fan

There is no room for error when manufacturing products for medical applications. If your company needs a custom solution, pleasecontact Pelonis Technologiestoday.


高温陶瓷浸入加热器|金宝搏官网mgPelonis Tech

发表Sam Pelonis|Jul 13, 2015 9:55:00 AM |2 Comments

Industrial and commercial heating applications are considerably demanding. Though there are many options to choose from, heating solutions often fall short of consumer expectations. Today, it’s not enough to simply meet application requirements—you should strive to exceed them.

热技术的进步促进了高效和多功能产品的创造,这些产品更适合现代供暖。作为专门供暖产品的领先制造商,Pelonis Technologies自豪地宣布我们的最新创新:超高温度陶瓷浸入加热器金宝搏官网mg。

immersion-heaters我们的沉浸加热器are designed to accommodate several applications, which include: central heating systems, steam generation, ignition devices, solar heater support, and much more. These heaters boast higher efficiency and thermal conductivity as compared to other heating elements (either metallic or non-metallic).

Performance of Immersion Heaters


Immersion heaters are completely self-regulating and have desirable insulation properties; this affords the ability to withstand voltages of 2500 volts as well as corrosive, acidic conditions. Additionally, our immersion heaters are safe to use, and do not negatively affect the environment.

Our Solutions:


k-series-immersion-heaterK系列超高温度陶瓷浸入加热器have the following operating specifications:

  • Thicknesses of 4mm
  • 额定电压从110VTO 220V不等
  • 额定功率在水中:210W至1500W
  • Rated Power in Air: 100W to 600W
  • Temperature range in Air: 400°C (752°F) to > 1200°C

kc-series-immersion-heaterKC Series Ultra-High Temperature Ceramic Immersion Heaters包括:

  • Thicknesses of 4mm
  • 额定电压从110VTO 220V不等
  • Rated power in Water: 500W to 3000W
  • Rated Power in Air: 220W to 360W
  • Temperature range in Air: 650°C (1202°F) to 1200°C



Download Our Electronics Cooling eBook

Please visit Pelonis Technologies’Immersion Heater Page有关更多信息,并确保仔细阅读我们的产品目录。如果您对我们的任何加热解决方案有任何疑问,请随时contact us



发表Sam Pelonis|2015年6月29日上午7:00:00 |0 Comments

When customers choose to undertake custom heating or cooling projects, they may not always make as many considerations as industry professionals.


There are also many questions to consider when working on the systems once they are set in place; the slightest issue can increase the chances of component degradation or eventual failure. Depending on whether you are working on either a heating or cooling system, there are different questions that are vital to keep in mind.


Q: Is maintenance the same for all kinds of heating systems?

A: Since heating systems differ slightly, maintenance on those systems will also differ.

For example: household heating applications rely on the thermal conduction of the building, whereas transportation heating applications utilize energy from the vehicle itself. Some applications rely on thermostats to regulate energy, and others are self-limiting.


问:我的加热系统正在创造异常高的公用事业成本 - 我如何解决这个问题?

A: Higher energy costs can be indicative of poor energy efficiency. The secondary limiting devices that some heating systems depend on can malfunction, leading to an influx of heat energy—which in turn leads to higher energy costs.

To combat this issue, you should regularly check your system for any signs of overheating and replace any defective parts.


答:PTC加热器的使用寿命比传统的阻力加热器更长。PTC加热限制了流过系统的能量量,从而使它们易于过热或缩短。与任何机械一样,PTC加热器可能会出现故障 - 如果您发现任何问题,请检查加热器是否有任何故障电路。

HVAC_FANCooling Systems


A: Maintenance will be slightly different for fans and blowers since each has unique airflow and pressure characteristics, but generally you should watch for signs of fatigue on belts, bearings, sheaves, and other components. DC fans, DC blowers, micro fans and cross flow fans will each have some differences when it comes to maintenace.


A: Your cooling (and heating) system can accumulate debris or other contaminants, which can lead to poor performance and damaged components over time.



A: The condition of the fan’s motor is vital to the proper operation of the system. You can use methods such as vibration analysis—of the motor speed and blade pass frequency—to preemptively detect issues within the motor windings. You can also measure insulation resistance at certain voltages to test the motor windings.

More Questions? Contact Us Today

If you have additional questions about diverse, custom heating and cooling systems, Pelonis Technologies has several在线资源这可以使您更好地了解可用的选项。

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If you need further assistance pertaining to heating and cooling, don’t hesitate tocontact us


Designers of Industrial Heating Applications | Pelonis Tech

发表Sam Pelonis|2015年1月5日上午7:00:00 |0 Comments


Below, you’ll find seven methods engineers can use to help ensure their heating application designs are both energy and cost efficient.


heaters用于加热建筑物的空气将来自建筑物外部,因此设施所在的气候是关键要素。加热系统通常设计为保持温度为64至68°F(18至20°C)。随着外部环境温度越来越接近所需的内部温度,传输损失(通过墙壁,地板,天花板,门和窗户发生)将变得较低。因此,对于温暖地区的设施,加热需求通常会减少 - 设计者可以通过定义适合地理区域的较小的加热系统来降低成本。

2. Don’t overlook boiler efficiency

Not all boilers are created equal. When you’ve determined the application’s heat generation requirements—based on square footage, geographic location, incidental heat gain that is generated by manufacturing processes or sunlight, etc.—research the boiler that is most efficient for that output. Sellers can greatly assist in providing technical information as well as real-world experience.

In addition, a boiler that doesn’t have to constantly operate at maximum output during colder months can help conserve energy and keep costs down; so it may make sense to augment the boiler with extremely efficient modern technologies such as positive temperature coefficient (PTC) heat. PTC uses ceramic stone or chips rather than traditional metal heating elements to provide a heat source that is customizable and scalable. A PTC heating solution can offer a defined maximum temperature at which resistance increases sharply, thus creating a self-regulating element that delivers a specific amount of heat right where it’s needed, rather than taxing the entire system.

3. Distribute heat sources

Since heat rises, engineers typically place the boiler in the lowest part of the building. However, designers of industrial heating applications typically face challenges presented by long, low buildings that make dispersing heat from a central location especially difficult compared to residential or high-rise situations. Often, one or more substations may be needed in addition to the primary system. Once again, the spot application of PTC heating can be a cost-efficient way to deliver targeted heat evenly and safely.

4. Consider the impact of control systems on overall efficiency

建筑物的不同区域可能具有不同的供暖要求,因此在系统中构建一些可调节性很重要。但是,请注意个人对工作区域的控制过多 - 这对于整个应用程序可能会适得其反。研究将在每个区域中进行的接口,将允许多少可调节性以及如何与主锅炉控制系统一起使用,这是一个好主意。计算机控制和监督将有很长的路要走,以确保应用程序意识到所有设计的效率。


As noted earlier, industrial buildings are often long, low structures that make dispersing heat from a central location particularly challenging. For maximum efficiency, consider including a number of evenly distributed sub-stations of fans, heaters or pumps. Several smaller systems operating at peak efficiency will be much less expensive to operate than running a central boiler at a high output for extended periods.

6. Put heat vents where they’ll do the most good

Another characteristic of designing industrial heating applications is that manufacturing processes often generate their own heat. By spacing heating stations evenly throughout the facility, you’ll be able to increase efficiency by allowing users to introduce heat where it’s needed and shut it off where it isn’t needed. And while machines generally don’t need heat, people do; you’ll likely want to concentrate vents in spaces like offices where people will generally spend the most time. PTC heating solutions may be an ideal way to maintain specified heat levels automatically in a variety of different locations.


Insulation is vital to an efficient heating design application. Insulation on pipes, ducts, and outside walls helps ensure that heated air stays heated longer, and can be delivered over longer distances. That means boilers run less, lowering heating and energy costs and prolonging the boiler’s service life. In addition, insulation works both ways by keeping heat from going where it isn’t wanted; for example, near electronics that are sensitive to higher temperatures. And finally, it’s relatively inexpensive and can serve its purpose for decades.

These are just a few ways that designers of industrial heating applications can deliver significant cost savings for users over time.


Learn More About PTC Heating Download Our Free eBook

For more information on PTC heating solutions, or other heating and cooling solutions that we provide, please visit Pelonis Technologies’ online资源库或者contact ustoday!


PTC Heating Technology Benefits

发表Sam Pelonis|Aug 18, 2014 11:00:00 AM |10 Comments


在Pe金宝搏官网mglonis,我们发现完美的解决方案是PTC heating。PTC(阳性温度系数)是一种独特的技术,它避免了传统的电阻线,并用陶瓷石或芯片代替。

This simple switch in materials is what makes PTC electric heaters superior to traditional coil electric heaters. In this blog, we will cover what we believe to be the top three benefits of modern PTC heating technology.

1. Increased Levels of Safety

8689On its own, this is a powerful reason to make the switch to PTC technology. Traditional heaters run at internal temperatures that can exceed 900°F (482°C). Compare this with PTC heaters that usually run at 518°F (270°C). As you might expect, lower running temperatures will always bring an increase in safety. As well, because PTC stones do not generate heat at a constant rate like resistance wires, they will cool down quickly to avoid overheating. PTC heaters are also less susceptible to overheating due to scale buildup or sludge.

Turn up the Heat, Reduce the Cost

2. Longer Lasting


3. Lower Operating Costs and Downtime

We have established that PTC heaters are safer and longer lasting. It only makes sense then that these benefits will directly affect your bottom line in a positive way. A self-limiting PTC system means less money spent on special equipment to avoid overheating like trip protectors. As well, the smoother running PTC heater breaks down less and needs less maintenance.

在Pe金宝搏官网mglonis,我们很自豪地为客户提供最新的PTC加热技术。我们的Honeycomb PTC加热器为您提供专有的加热光盘,该光盘由革命性的陶瓷材料制成,该陶瓷材料具有1200圆/三角形的孔。这些独特的光盘在整个表面上100%加热气流,这使它们比传统的线圈加热器高50%。我们还携带一些创新的蜂窝PTC持有人组件和Fin PTC加热元件。

4. Proven Track Record

Back in 2012, PTC changed the industry for the better with our new, revolutionary,密封轴承系统(SB)

如你所知,SBS是一个成本effective and high performance, environmental DC fan bearing solution. It increases cooling fan life by actively reducing damaging oil leaks and dust contamination. In order to understand the real impact of SBS, you first need to take a quick look inside the manufacturing of DC fans.

With thicker, high-additive lubrication, there is less evaporation. This, combined with a lower oil content, means that our lubricant gives the superior ball bearing design the long-lasting edge you’re looking for.

Pelonis’ customers have found that our SBS is a very practical solution for DC fan application that requires the benefits of both sleeve and ball bearings.


Learn More About PTC Heating Download Our Free eBook

If you are interested in learning more about how Pelonis can help you find the right PTC heating technology for your application, pleasevisit our website或者contact ustoday!