
发布者萨姆佩洛金宝搏官网mg尼斯|Dec 17, 2012 9:00:00 AM0 Comments

寒冷的天气可能是途中,但是doesn’t mean you have to lose that golden tan you worked so hard on this summer. All across the nation, people are heading towards their local tanning salons and trying to stave off the winter blues.晒黑是每年50亿美元的行业雇用超过100,000名美国人。由于经济的改善,因此由于流行文化和令人惊叹的晒黑进展,这些数字只会增长。

在Pe金宝搏官网mglonis,我们了解晒黑的一两件事,因为没有像我们这样的粉丝,业务永远不会脱离地面。为了使晒黑床正常工作,您需要高质量的内部金宝搏188是什么公司。Of course, you can’t just use any fan. These systems are like big vacuum cleaners so if they are faulty or not properly maintained, the can gather dust and debris and overheat. It is for this reason that the industry relies heavily on Pelonis’ larger粉丝鼓风机。我们以竞争力的成本提供高质量的产品,灵活的制造技术意味着我们可以处理任何尺寸的工作。我们制作粉丝和鼓风机,这不会被与保持全国各地运营的晒黑床相关的令人惊讶的困难条件不堪重负。




Since the retirement of the Space Shuttle, NASA has been looking for a way to take astronauts to the International Space Station. They solved this problem by picking three private aerospace companies to build small spacecrafts to transport their astronauts. It is a big step in the future of the American space program and one Pelonis looks forward in which to participate. No matter who is funding or building the satellites and rockets of the future it’s a safe bet they will need many of the空运产品that we provide at Pelonis.



最近能源部ron wrooblewski.was asked how you could tell when you have an inefficient fan. Ron is not only a DOE Energy Expert but also an expert in optimizing industrial fan systems, so he is the right person to answer this important question. In response, Ron made a few very salient points. First, he mentioned that it takes more than just a quick look to decide that a fan is inefficient. Once a closer inspection can be done, Ron believes fan inefficiency falls into three different categories: control, production/maintenance, or system effect.

In a control situation, the fan is not working correctly if it relies to heavily on dampers to restrict flow. A production/maintenance problem might be identified by wasted energy or a system that breaks down often and gives off excessive noise, heat, or vibration. Finally, the system effect is related to a fan system that is poorly designed. This shortcoming will create turbulence and instability and is a sign that the fan itself is faulty, or that installation was done incorrectly.

If your fans show any of the above signs, then it is time to call an expert like Pelonis. We will quickly diagnose your fan system problems and then recommend the perfect solution. We can定制设计并制造风扇系统,符合您的每一种需求。这样,你永远不会想知道你是否背负着效率低下的粉丝。

Don't Worry - Pelonis Will Keep You Cool


金宝搏官网mgPelonis'FANS-Tech®产品不仅是RoHS compliant和made in accordance with internationally recognized standards, but they also come in an amazing range of voltages and sizes. Our advanced production equipment allows us to keep costs low and quality high. Our flexible manufacturing capabilities keep our stock levels high at all times and lead times short. We also offer our clients the choice of readymade or custom designed fans, blades and impellers.





国防高级研究项目机构(DARPA) is teaming up with private engineering companies to work on a plan to turn space junk into working satellites. The biggest thing when it comes to satellites is getting them into proper geosynchronous orbit. There are quite a few broken satellites just orbiting the Earth, doing nothing but literally taking up space. This project would send “mechanics” (in this case mechanic-like servicing satellites with robotic arms and hands) into space to gather different parts from non-working satellites.


在Pelonis, we are equally as serious about providing this bold endeavor with our innovative fans. If our expertise in the field has taught us anything it is that as more satellites are launched (and even more are in need of repair) durable and reliable fans are the one thing you can’t cut corners on.


在Pelonis, we take pride in offering the highest quality fans, blowers, AC motors, and heating elements. Our products function in a variety of applications such as医用器材,HVAC系统和加热器,但是有一个功能我们对:格栅非常兴奋。

金宝搏官网mgPelonis3.我们喜欢在夏日的阳光下煮出来,但没有理由挂起刮刀,因为天气降低了 - 像我们的粉丝在烤架上都能如何保持热量控制。188体育在线官方188d金宝搏的网址和45%of U.S. households use their charcoal, gas, pellet, or electric grills and smokers between Memorial Day and Labor Day, we’re an important part of grill safety and functionality.

无论您的选择工具是一个小型丙烷动力的气体或内置户外厨房,我们的直流鼓风机都在所有这些产品中都有功能。标准例子是我们的RB5015 Series DC blower,具有增强塑料PBT和一些可选功能,包括转速表,报警输出和热速控制。


Keeping Your Electronics Cool

这几天,走过一家销售电视和电脑的商店将让您像在五十年前的时代广场中间的旅游一样晕眩。明亮的超越生活类似的图像,爆炸从80个“LED HDTV和27”宽屏LED电脑监视器的墙壁可以让你不堪重负。所有这些超现代技术都有一个共同点:他们变热了。每天2小时不能在16小时内产生高清显示器,而不会产生巨大的热量。毫无疑问,当每天通过时,科学正在寻找更好的方法来减少主要电子产品的热量输出。如果您有10年前的笔记本电脑,您可以记住大约20分钟的使用后几乎将膝盖放在火上!最后,将电子产品免于过热的关键是一种高质量的风扇。




在Pe金宝搏官网mglonis,我们是创建粉丝的专家,可以承受最严酷的可想象条件。对于我们的防尘和防水,耐候风扇没有环境太干燥或过于潮湿。我们的风扇也在飞机和卫星的表面远远下使用。最近,InteveDive电影导演和冒险家詹姆斯卡梅隆和一些朋友在包括谷歌联合创始人Larry Page在内的一些朋友,决定矿产矿业的未来位于平流层之外。这些高科技的泰森正计划为矿物挤出近地球小行星,如黄金和铂金等矿物。所有涉及的都是甚至一个小小星甚至可能在矿物质中含有万亿美元。如果他们能够完成他们的大胆和昂贵的计划,他们将从根本上改变世界的经济,甚至是人类历史的过程。

Almost every piece of equipment in space travel and mining needs reliable and cost-effective fans to provide ventilation and cooling/heating. Since Pelonis’ fans are already used below, on, and above the earth’s surface, it would not be a stretch to imagine that the same technology we produce will be utilized in almost every aspect of this endeavor.


Topics:金宝搏官网mgPelonis Technologies
